Catapu, the 25,000 hectare forestry concession and sawmill belonging to Dalmann Mozambique


turning blanks and squares exported to the UK are manufactured at Catapu.


This includes the felling and extraction of logs, the sawmilling of the logs, drying of the timber and breakdown for export. 

Offloading harvested timber

Offloading harvested timber

All logs are still moved by hand

All logs are still moved by hand



Processing section prior to kilning

Processing section prior to kilning

Post kiln processing sections

Post kiln processing sections

Loading for Transportation

Loading for Transportation

Main breakdown store

Main breakdown store

The old faithful - the Pinheiro breakdown saw - 1 of 2 units

The old faithful - the Pinheiro breakdown saw - 1 of 2 units



The two kilns

Two Wood Drying Kilns

Dry yard

Drying yard

The Catapu team

The Catapu team