

Brachystegia spiciformis, also known by the various different spelling versions, Msasa, Missassa and the Sena name N'sassa



Herbarium Sample

Herbarium Sample

Wood sample

Wood sample


A medium to large tree, 8 to 15 m in height, the branches are heavy, thrusting upwards and outwards, often twisting and curving, giving the tree a beautiful shape. It occurs in open, deciduous woodland, tolerating a wide range of soil types. 

Source - Tress of Southern Africa - Keith Coaetes Palgrave and Meg Coates Palgrave 




Brachystegia spiciformis. Air and kiln dried.

A hard timber used for turnery, furniture, flooring and even railway

sleepers. The heartwood is a uniform reddish/brown with fine grey to black streaks in places. Turns well with a dryish feel to the texture (a bit like Iroko if you have ever turned it) and some interlocked grain which needs careful cutting. Takes oils and sealers well.

(Description by Dave Bates)



Masasa log on the saw

Masasa log on the saw

Core sampling Masasa

Core sampling Masasa

Masasa Forest

Masasa Forest